Resources for Individuals
First episode psychosis usually occurs in teens and young adults. Maybe you are worried about your own mental health, a sibling's, or a friend's. It's important to talk to someone about what you are going through, and to seek help from someone who is knowledgeable about this condition and respectful of your experiences and choices.
Here are some resources to help you get informed and start the conversation:
What is Psychosis?
What is First-Episode Psychosis?
Recommended Reading & Other Resources
Living With Schizophrenia: Wanting to Connect
M-PATH (the Massachusetts Psychosis Access & Triage Hub) is a free referral and consultation service available to anyone concerned about early psychosis. M-PATH can help you to figure out what kind of support might be most helpful for you right now.
Strong365 is a national list of treatment options, resources for financial support, resources to find therapists specific to your cultural community, and text, phone, & web chat hotlines.
Opening Doors to the Arts offers free & reduced priced tickets to art events in the Boston area for those with experience of mental illness.
Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is a U.S. government program that helps low income households pay for internet service and connected devices (ex. a laptop or tablet) to access telehealth.
Has anybody else been through this?
WellSpace Groups
The WellSpace Program at McLean Hospital provides free therapeutic, recreational, and vocational support groups (in-person & virtual) for young adults ages 18-30 who have had experiences with psychosis. Follow the links below for a schedule & descriptions of different groups offered. Referrals can be submitted to Steve Fedele, CPS at (email preferred) or by using the form linked here.
McLean also offers a free, in-person WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) group on Fridays (view flyer) and a Community Support & Resources group on Wednesdays (view flyer) with Lisa Charland (, 617-855-3853).
Schizophrenia & Psychosis Action Alliance Diagnosed Person Resources
S&PAA has deigned a toolkit, “I’m Diagnosed. Now What?”, to help you navigate the early stages of your diagnosis with practical advice, resources and encouragement. The toolkit explores ways to understand your condition, manage your symptoms and take important steps toward recovery.
Students With Psychosis
Students With Psychosis is a nonprofit that empowers student leaders and advocates worldwide through community building and collaboration. Resources include peer support groups, speaker events, community meetings, a community Discord platform, and leadership & advocacy opportunities.
Kiva Centers Zoom Groups
The Kiva Centers offer a series of peer-run virtual groups for people impacted by trauma, mental health, and substance use. Groups are available which discuss an array of topics (e.g., Living with Loss, Boundaries and Balance), personal identities (e.g., BIPOC, Transgender & Non-binary, LGBTQ+), and activities (e.g., Creative Artwork).
Young Adult (YA) Access Centers
Young Adult (YA) Access Centers are free community spaces across Massachusetts that provide services including peer support, social activities, links to healthcare/housing/employment/etc., mental health and substance use support, and amenities such as showers, laundry, kitchens and computer/Wi-Fi access. No diagnosis is required.
Tempo Young Adult Resource Center
Tempo is a one-stop resource center for young adults (ages 17-24) with extra challenges. We focus on achievement, employment, schooling, healthy relationships, and practical skills to reach future goals. Tempo helps unconditionally so that young people with extra challenges can become healthy, productive adults. If you would like to set up an appointment or have questions about services, please call 508-879-1424.
Living Well with Schizophrenia
Living Well with Schizophrenia is a Youtube page and peer support community dedicated to connecting people who have shared experiences of psychosis. There are a growing number of content creators who have experienced psychosis— other recommended pages include Schizophrenic Hippie and SchizophrenicNYC.
The Wildflower Alliance
The Wildflower Alliance is a grassroots Peer Support, Advocacy, and Training organization with a focus on harm reduction and human rights. The Wildflower Alliance offers peer to peer supports based in Western Massachusetts and online for those who have been impacted by psychiatric diagnosis, trauma, extreme states, homelessness, problems with substances and other life-interrupting challenges.
NAMI MA Peer Support Listings
NAMI Massachusetts maintains a list of peer-based supports for mental health within Massachusetts and beyond, including phone-based warm lines and Recovery Learning Communities for Central MA, Northeast MA, Southeast MA, and Greater Boston.
The goal of OK2TALK is to create a community for teens and young adults struggling with mental health problems and encourage them to talk about what they’re experiencing by sharing their personal stories of recovery, tragedy, struggle or hope. Anyone can add their voice by sharing creative content such as poetry, quotes, videos and messages of support in a safe, moderated space.
Active Minds
Active Minds is the leading nonprofit organization that empowers students to speak openly about mental health in order to educate others and encourage help-seeking. We are changing the culture on campuses and in the community by providing information, leadership opportunities and advocacy training to the next generation.
Strong 365 Peer Support Chat
In partnership with 7 Cups, Strong 365 provides a free, anonymous, and confidential online chat with trained listeners - many of whom have been through similar experiences (code: STRONG).
Voices of Recovery Videos
These 24 brief video clips created as part of the RAISE Connection program feature individuals telling their stories about who they are and what has been helpful in managing their psychotic disorder. You’ll meet people who are single, married, in school, working, hanging out with old and new friends, and living healthy lives.
OntrackNY Video Library
OnTrackNY is a mental health treatment program in New York that empowers young people to make meaning of their experiences and to pursue their goals for school, work, and relationships. The OnTrackNY video library contains videos featuring participants, graduates, families, and team members.
Psychosis Outside the Box
Psychosis Outside the Box is a grassroots collection of diverse accounts of experiences associated with psychosis that have been traditionally neglected (specifically, visions & quasi-visual experiences, 'felt presences', and alterations of time & space). This compilation includes both first person descriptions and, for those who opt to provide this, strategies developed to address any distressing aspects of these experiences. You can see more information and projects on the Rethink Psychosis website. is a comprehensive directory of peer support phone numbers (also called warm lines) staffed by people who have experienced struggles with their mental health. The directory features lines both local to MA and those that take calls from anywhere in the nation.
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance of Boston (DBSA Boston)
DBSA Boston is a self-help organization for those with with bipolar, depression, and schizoaffective disorders in the Belmont, Boston, Revere and other areas of Massachusetts. To learn more about group options, visit their website linked below.
Legal Support & Advocacy Resources
Mental Health Legal Advisors Committee: An organization that provides legal and policy advocacy for people with mental health challenges throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Disability Law Center of MA: The Protection and Advocacy (P&A) Agency for Massachusetts; a private, non-profit organization responsible for providing protection and advocacy for the rights of MA residents with disabilities. Their Council Against Institutional & Psychiatric Abuse advisory group is currently looking for members.
Mental Health Litigation Division: Provides legal representation for those facing civil commitment to mental hospitals and other challenges.
How do I find treatment?
The program directory on this site lists specialized treatment programs in Massachusetts. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has also developed a confidential and anonymous a tool that provides information for persons and their family members who are seeking treatment facilities in the United States for a recent onset of serious mental illnesses such as psychosis, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and other conditions. These evidence-based programs provide medication, therapy, family and peer support, assistance with education and employment and other services.